Three Effective COVID-19 Cleaning Tips For the Office

While most businesses have closed their physical stores, it’s still important to keep it clean and germ-free to keep the virus from spreading. Whether you’re physically open for business or not, I’ll be showing you effective ways to prevent the spread of the virus and keep the offices as protected as possible.

Disinfecting Your Office From COVID-19

Not sure how to keep offices clean as an employer or employee? Follow these tips:


  1. Wipe Your Workspace

If you are an employee, you can do your part in preventing the spread of coronavirus in your workspace. Always wipe down your phone, keyboard, desk, among other things you have just touched.

If you went out to buy lunch or use the restroom, clean your hands and wipe down the highly-touched surfaces in your space before using them.


  1. Disinfect ALL Areas

ALL areas of the office needs to be disinfected before your employees should go to work. Before undergoing a deep cleaning, open all windows and doors to increase air circulation at least a day before disinfecting the area.

Clean bathrooms, offices, common areas, electronic equipment, as well as ATM machines and furniture in the office. Do so using soap and water, then disinfect using bleach solution or alcohol.  Wipe and dry all surfaces, floors, and furniture thoroughly, focusing on the high-traffic surfaces such as handles, doors, tables, keyboards, and the like.

Clean and disinfect the office daily, either before employees come in or after clocking out.


  1. Handle Trash Properly

You need to have the trash thrown properly twice a day. When doing so, wear proper personal protective equipment such as gloves, and gowns to avoid contamination. Use lined trash bags to avoid anything coming into contact with the actual trash bin to keep it away from germs.


Wrapping It Up

Stop the spread of germs by cleaning your office well, which can keep you and your staff safe. Hopefully, you learned a lot more on keeping your office clean so begin following these tips now.

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