How to Keep Your Bathroom Mould-Free

Whether you own or rent your home, it is very important to keep your bathroom mould-free. While mould can appear anywhere in the house, the bathroom is a popular location for mould. After all, in any given bathroom, you are looking at many different sources of humidity. You can’t have mould without humidity, thus ensuring that the battle against mould is quite difficult in the bathroom. However, you shouldn’t give up on the fight, as it’s important to do everything you can to rid your bathroom of mould. If you don’t remove your house of mould, you run the risk of all sorts of health related issues such as allergic reactions, and contracting toxin-related illnesses. It’s important to keep your bathroom mould-free, and you can work to do so by following these three tips.


1. Get Rid Of As Much Moisture As Possible

It may sound silly to try to remove moisture from your bathroom, but it really is one the best methods of removing the risk of mould. It’s fine to wash your hands or take a shower in the bathroom. However, you don’t want all of the excess water getting into your bathroom air and onto the bathroom walls. This can be solved by using a bathroom fan, or even keeping a window open should your bathroom have one.

2. Don’t Leave Wet Towels In The Bathroom

As you know, mould is associated with moisture, and there is probably no better source of moisture then a bathroom towel that is hanging in the bathroom. Try to dry these towels outside of the bathroom, and avoid leaving the towels in such an environment that favors mould development.

3. Make The Bathroom Air Circulate

Finally, to keep your bathroom mould-free, you should work to keep the air regularly flowing inside of the bathroom. A small cramped bathroom gives very poor airflow, and you may want to remove any unneeded items or furniture out of the bathroom. Also, regularly keep the bathroom doors open, as well as any closets you may have.

With these three simple tips, you are well on your way to attempting to keep your bathroom mould-free. However, some bathrooms are simply so susceptible to mould that you may need to call in some professional help. In that case, you should take a close look at AustClean. AustClean offers excellent bathroom cleaning services that can work to keep your bathroom mould-free once and for all. When the battle gets too tough, call in AustClean for their professional bathroom cleaning.

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