What Does “Deep Cleaning” Really Mean In the Midst of COVID-19?

Unfortunately, there aren’t any vaccines or cures to the COVID-19 yet. But there is a way to help prevent the spread of it with proper safety precautions and cleaning your surroundings well. We’ve heard how deep-cleaning is crucial at this time, but what exactly is deep cleaning anyway?

There are actually various meanings to the term, so I share to you what it means for you and your home.


The Real Meaning of Deep-Cleaning

Of course, you need to clean every part of your house to kill all bacteria. This prevents you and your household from catching COVID-19, especially when cleaning it properly. That’s why you hear many businesses saying that they have undergone deep cleaning in their facilities to keep everything safe.

In the midst of authorities encouraging you to deep clean your home, what does this mean? And what should you do?

Deep cleaning isn’t like your causal sweeping of floors or wiping your countertop with used rags.

With deep cleaning, you’re hunting down dust mites in every nook and cranny, even under and behind the furniture! You are fixing scum problems in faucets and shower heads, scrubbing all your appliances, mopping down your floors, and steam cleaning soft floors and furnishings.

Think of it as adding a ton of more time and effort into your typical household chores. While there is not one universal meaning and each person and company has their own standard of cleaning, it simply means to keep your surroundings spic and span. You are not only wiping away bacteria but killing it with disinfectants, ensuring that there is NO spread of any germs to prevent COVID-19 from entering your home.

While you can do it on your own, there are, fortunately, still cleaning companies like AustClean open to offer a deep-cleaning of your home. That way, you’re able to focus on other household tasks such as purchasing supplies and keeping your family informed of what to do to fight against the virus.

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